301 Crestline Blvd, Catalina Island, CA 90704

I've always been a bit conflicted about celebrating the whole Pet Cemetery phenomenom.

On one end, it's devastating to know that you're surrounded by dozens of dead pets-- animals who once attacked the mailman, peed on your carpet and stole food from the kitchen when you didn't want them to. However, on the other end, it's difficult to not morbidly marvel over the elaborate graves, funny epithets, and, at times, absurdity of it all. Either way you swing, Catalina Island has a pretty solid final resting place that's worth a visit. If you're into the whole dead animal thing, that is.

To fully realize the randomness of this, you'll need to understand what the beloved land mass known as Catalina Island is all about. Located 22 miles off the coast of Newport Beach, Catalina is known for its swanky sailing scene, world-class golfing and lavish vacationing, all of which is monopolized by tourists trying to find Buffalo, fans of 'Step Brothers' and middle-aged frat bros + trophy wives from Orange County (which is basically fans of 'Step brothers' in a nutshell). Cars are banned on the Island, which is quite refreshing, so everybody gets around via golf carts, which is always hilarious. With all of that laid out, it's very strange to think that something like THIS would exist here and I assure it isn't in the Catalina tourism brochures.

To make it creepier, the cemetery is located in a strange part of town, off a beaten path, and en route to Catalina's famed Wrigley Memorial. It's easy to miss, as the joint is unmarked and zipping by at an intense 20 mph golf cart speed might cause one to pass it by, but I encourage the adventurous to stop at this off-the-beaten-path excursion and soak in one of the more unique things you'll find on the Island (Aside from buffalo milk).

And it certainly delivers in the macabre department. Here are some highlights and I'll let the jokes write themselves


Some are heartfelt

Others, they're leaning into it.

There are also some messages that pose more questions than answers

and this

Since Catalina is a pretty remote island with a population of about 4,000, it's odd to think almost every local pet will end up here at some point. Imagine taking your dog on their morning stroll past the cemetery, knowing damn well that it'll all end here. A little messed up, yes, but let's not forget that these pampered pets are getting a better burial than many humans have had.

And the graveyard is a pretty majestic one in the aesthetic department, a far cry from some of the decrepit death spots we've covered here. Shrouded in twisty trees and fallen leaves, the plot of land actually gives off a calm vibe that resonates as you walk around admiring the goods. There are even adorable benches to sit on and reminisce about all those times Rex sniffed his own crotch.

Also, if pet cemeteries are your thing (you sick bastard! how dare you) you should also check out the Beverly Hills of dead animal sanctuaries.